Coaching Training Retreat
The ACTmeasurement helps you to be successful from your natural strength!
The measurement can be completed in less than 15 minutes.
Fast measurement
Simple measurement
The measurement is easy to make
Unconscious motives are made transparent.
Deep measurement
This way of measuring is unique.
After the ACT measurement you are aware of the following aspects:
You know which qualities are your natural strength?
You have insight into tasks that always give you energy and go very well?
The team divides the roles based on unconscious but deep motivations of people?
You are invited to use your hidden talent for the organization?
You can pursue goals with focus and intrinsic motivation?
You know exactly where to call in auxiliaries to compensate for your own shortcomings?
You see how your natural strength gives energy, and your learned behavior can make you vulnerable.
Natural power
Offers a clear separation between natural strength and learned - and therefore vulnerable - behaviour
Unknown area
Provides insight into natural, developable and difficult to develop competencies
Potential talent
Non-existent competencies that cannot be developed by nature and that require a lot of energy
Vulnerable power
You can't teach a cow to bark. His DNA is not built for that. Every human being has its own blueprint, a DNA determination. The ACT measurement measures your natural talents, motivations and less developed competences...and your hidden potential. The different options are shown below.
Predicts functional and dysfunctional behavior under (great) stress
The Analytical Competence Tool (ACT®) is a unique online measurement method that focuses on the whole person. This measuring instrument provides direction for development questions. ACT® goes far beyond visible behavior and cognitive thinking. The measurement uses words and extensively tested images. It is precisely this combination of words and images that makes it unique. It holds up a mirror to you and lets you discover who you really are and how that limits, reinforces and determines your daily life.
What sets this measurement apart from others?
Sense Your Talent
The ACT measurement helps you to be successful from your natural strength!
Part of my talent coaching programs can consist of a personality measurement with your natural competences and competences that you have taught yourself, but which involve a lot of energy or frustration. This measurement distinguishes between your natural talents and your vulnerable strength. That makes this measurement different from most common tests. This difference is essential: it often takes a lot of energy to demonstrate these competences. Moreover, it is precisely there that problems arise under pressure.
During the feedback you discover how the dynamics between your talents and your vulnerable strength work for you and how you can intervene.
ACT coaching creates awareness, provides insight and provides practical tools.
The coaching tool for personal development and creating happiness at work and living.
Fast, simple, profound but sometimes also confrontational.
Fill it in online, whenever and wherever you want (duration 15 minutes).
Clear presentation, clear reporting.
Personal feedback of the results.
Personal coaching / guidance in the next steps to be taken.
Getting the best out of a team requires an understanding of the available talent and potential. In order to avoid pitfalls and recognize shortcomings and transform them into joint successes, it is necessary to gain insight into the team DNA. I work together with iimproof trainers, who, like me, have a passion for creating connections and tuning into the team DNA.
The Authentic Team Empowerment Program consists of three parts: gaining insight into each other, strengthening the connection and growth to the next phase in development.
The Power of Diversity program focuses on Diversity within companies. Diversity has many faces. Sometimes it is about enough women at the top. Or about how you function as a woman in a man's world. Or about discrimination against certain groups such as immigrants, homosexuals, transgender people, the disabled and the elderly. By (re)introducing or adjusting these core values, you let people experience that everyone is welcome as they are. It is good to inspire employees to actually live and act accordingly. Good, because in society it is not always and everywhere automatic.
The theme of this program is therefore: 'being able to be who you are'. That you can come out for that, without having to be afraid of possible negative consequences. That you feel understanding from your colleagues and managers. That you feel safe and supported by the organization. That you feel accepted and as a fully-fledged employee of the organization, whoever you are. In other words, inclusiveness as a strength, which also offers attractiveness as an employer.
Team retreat IBIZA: all team programs that I facilitate can take place in Ibiza. Away from the home front and away from the energy of the company. This has the advantage that people get to their core faster and a nice and understanding connection is created between colleagues and their role in the team. The moment you embark on this adventure together as a team, there is already so much commitment and mutual appreciation that people return to the Netherlands with a deeper understanding of themselves, but also their role within this team. People appreciate their colleagues even more and own their role even more than before. This is where the team spirit arises and it goes wild on new valuable ideas and innovative processes within successful teams!
Interested? Contact us for more info and prices!
Do you want to know more about the (team) coaching, Team scans, Team retreats /workations or the ACT measurement? Do you want an introductory meeting? Then take Contact with me
Essence of ACT: you may be able to teach a cow to swim, but it's not her nature and therefore this competency costs her a lot of energy!